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The project consists on the reconstruction of the bridge, more specifically of the fragment called “Nonesuch House”, by means of a large-scale sculpture at its original place. For over 600 years, Old London Bridge represented the pulsating heart of London. It was the longest inhabited bridge in Europe, occupying a unique place in London’s heritage. Nonesuch House was a four-story building erected in 1577 on the center of the bridge. It was the earliest documented prefabricated building in the world. By 1763 all the houses on the bridge were pulled down and in 1824 a new London Bridge was built 180 feet west of the old bridge.
The artist has developed different models and sketches based on the approximate size, shape and location. The final development will ideally integrate students from art and history so the structure fits in a more accurate way to the data available in archives.
The sculpture that Garaizabal is projecting will be the result of assembling the different fragments that he would produce at his studio, using wood, steel and LED light. Such as the one in the picture.
The financing of the project will come from a trust of collectors that will purchase each of them a fragment of the sculpture, participating in the adventure, and recovering it after the term of the installation is over and the large scale piece is disassembled. The technique used to place the sculpture in the middle of the Thames River will be to assemble it on a floating barge that once in the exact place in the middle of the river is partially flooded so it hides under the water and is then anchored in the four directions so it does not move.
A “making of” documentary will be filmed trying to integrate the different roles involved in such an unusual adventure. From the promoter that gets the permits to the collectors that believe in the chimera, the work of the art and history students, the gallery that backs the artist and the artist itself. Some examples were done for the “Memoria Urbana Berlin”
I love this project. It´s my favorite. Congratulations!!!
Thank you Riky. This project is already approved and will be arised from june 2012.